2-Day Course
Click here for the course description: Course A940
2015 Aryrsley Town Blvd, Ste 202
Charlotte, NC 28273
TEL: +1 704 280 8300
Located in Ayrsley, this beautiful new building is in one of Charlotte's newest and fastest growing areas. Charlotte has become a major America finance center and is the country's second largest banking center after New York City. It is home to the largest financial institution in the US, Bank of America, and is in the process of becoming the HQ for the East Coast Operation of Wells Fargo.
Note: 9:00AM - 5:00PM. Lunch will be provided. Please forward any dietary requirements to Todd Mollerup.
Your instructor, Peter Sidebotham, MCPD
Agenda - Tuesday, August 12
Regus WiFi Day Code:
9:00AM - Session 1 - Using Identity Panel. This session will introduce or reacquaint you to the Identity Panel Core Framework, which is an underpinning to Service Panel.
- Time Traveler
- Scheduler
- Reporting
- Workflows
- MIM DevTest
This morning session is an abbreviated version of course A801 - Using Identity Panel. If you already attend this course, you do not need to attend session 1.
10:30AM - Session 2 - Tour of Service Panel.
- Overview of benefits and features
- How Service Panel relates to Identity Panel
- Integration with MIM Portal and MIM Sync
- Hosting and High Availability – SaaS and On-Premise
This morning session is an abbreviated version of course T711 - A Tour of Service Panel. If you already attend this course, you do not need to attend session 2.
11:15AM - Session 3 - Customer cases. How customers are using Service Panel in the real-world.
Customer cases and popular use cases will be explored.
- Employee directory
- Photo opt-out
- Code Red!
- Updating contact information
- Account Creation
- Changing email domains
- Azure B2C
- Onboarding
12:15PM - Working Lunch begins
12:30PM - Session 4 - Service Panel Provider Architecture
This session will cover:
- Web application
- Panel Service
- Cloud Scanning
- Messaging
- Access from the Managed Service Console
- Panel Service hardware resources
This mid-day session is an abbreviated version of course A820 - Identity Panel Architecture, Providers, and Deployment. If you already attend this course, you do not need to attend session 4.
1:00PM - Session 5 - Rule Engine Language
This session will teach you the Rule Engine syntax that is used by Service Panel. The Rule Engine will be familiar to anyone who knows the MIM Portal custom expression syntax. The Rule Engine offers a superset of rules, and helpful tools for find just the right rule syntax or attribute name. The Rule Tester will show you how to unit test code and see the results.
This mid-day session is an abbreviated version of course A850 - Rule Engine. Course A850 is recommended for anyone who wants to expand their Rule Engine skills. Report writing will not be covered, but is covered in the full A850 course. If you have attended course A850, you may skip session 5.
1:30PM - Session 6 - Service Panel Requirements Gathering
This session will show you the process used to collect requirements from a customer. This process is critical to a successful project. This is an abbreviated version of course A812 - Service Panel Requirements Gathering & Design. If you have attended A812, you do may skip session 6.
2:15PM - Session 7 - Build custom themes
Add a theme to match your customer's brand and website. Add a logo and color pallet. Learn how to capture your customer's color pallet, and upload their logo. Add a hyperlink to their logo.
Also learn how custom URLs for your customer, giving them a branded experience from authentication page to within.
2:45PM - Session 8 - Construct your required Virtual Identities
3:30PM - Session 9 - Service Panel Form
Learn how to construct the Service Panel forms. Expose them as RestAPIs to other application. Connect to Identity Panel DevTest for validation. Create behaviors, lookups, formatting, controls, and more.
4:15PM - Session 10 - Fixtures - Provision and modify targets
Publish and modify your data across data targets using the concept of Fixture. Identity Panel DevTest uses Fixtures to stage and undo your test cases. This same Fixture technology is used by Service Panel to publish your data, and incidentally, is the same technology used by the MIM Service Port.
This course is similar to course A890 - MIM DevTest Case Development. If you have already attended A890, you do not need to attend day four.
Bonus Sessions (time permitting)
Session 11 - Configure Data Target Integration
This short session reviews specific data targets, and how to connect to those with Identity Panel, an then write to them. This includes targets like Office 365, SQL, and more.
Session 12 - ServiceNow integration
Learn how to setup ServiceNow to fulfill tickets using Service Panel. This is an abbreviated version of course A890.
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