This upgrade workshop will walk you through the upgrade process from Identity Panel 3.x to 4.x. Once you leave the workshop, you will be entitle to upgrade to 4.1. By completing this workshop first, much of the hard work will be finished, and your upgrade should be an easier one.
- You must be a systems engineer to attend this course.
- You must have Software Assurance or Knowledge Package for Identity Panel subscription
- You must be running Identity Panel 2.x or 3.x on-premise
- Or, you must be an authorized reseller or better
Other workshop prerequisites
- Planned service outage during workshop: upgrade requires 30 minutes, plus 2 hours per 100,000 identities
- Current SSL certificate for Identity Panel host URL
- Internet connection (if not available on Identity Panel server, must be able to copy files to Identity Panel server)
- Must bring a laptop with access to your test environment
Your instructor, Peter Sidebotham, MCPD
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